Friday, February 03, 2006

Arianna Huffington: How the Democratic should have responded to Bush

Arianna Huffington has a nice blog post that talks about Jack Murtha's reply to Bush.
Murtha's response, presented at a press conference today and in a letter sent to President Bush, contains a very specific, four-point strategy for changing course in Iraq and 'reinvigorating our global anti-terrorism strategy.'
Bush had said, "Hindsight alone is not wisdom, and second-guessing is not a strategy." Murtha replied, "Hindsight alone may not be wisdom -- but refusing to learn from past mistakes is not wisdom either." The rest of what he says makes sense also. And it is very credible.
Last night on Hardball, Chris Matthews asked Joe Biden to explain how it is that the American people are "worried about abuse of this NSA spying at home," "want to bring the troops home," and "don't think [the war] was worth it to fight... And yet, when you ask them 'Who do you trust on terrorism and security,' they say the president, who seems to lose on each particular, but somehow wins on the general question of security."

Biden blamed it on the lack of a clear Democratic leader.

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