Thursday, February 03, 2005


In his weekly email message David Pogue, the NYTimes Circuits columnist reported on an interview with Steve Jurvetson, a nanotechnology venture capitalist.
We define nanotechnology as the manipulation and control of matter at the nano scale, nano scale being a billionth of a meter. It's about 70,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. It's smaller than the wavelength of light, something you would normally not ever be able to see. And it's much smaller than anything we manufacture today.

The reason that it's so exciting, though, is not just that it's small. It's that everything changes at that scale. The physics you may have learned in school is completely different. In fact, it's wrong and doesn't apply at that level. Notions like temperature and electricity and magnetism are completely different. …

Right now, nanotech is second only to the space race for Federal funding of basic research and development. So the US government absolutely believes that this is the future technology wave. The National Science Foundation of the US estimates it will be a trillion-dollar market.

And I might point out that internationally, the U.S. is not number one or number two. We're number three, if you consider the EU as an entity and if you consider Japan as an entity.
Credit for the original idea of nanotechnology is given to Richard Feynman, whose December 29th 1959 talk to the American Physical Society was entitled, There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.

Here are too many (mostly) relevant web sites.

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