Monday, November 02, 2009

The Health Care nightmare scenario

From Political Action: Health Care Accountability Pledge
It's December. After a year of non-stop work by progressives and President Obama to pass real health care reform, the House has passed a strong bill. It's time for the Senate to vote.

But the vote never happens—because one Democratic senator joins Republicans to filibuster and block a vote. 2009 becomes just another year when health care reform failed.

If someone decided to take on that senator in the Democratic primary afterwards, would you chip in to help the challenger? I know I would.

Here's the thing: If thousands of us make it clear we'd do the same, and Democratic senators know it, we might just be able to keep this nightmare scenario from ever coming to pass.

I just pledged to support a primary challenge if it comes to that, and it's critical that all of us who would, say it now. Will you join me?

Pledge here. No credit card required. Just your pledge.

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