Sunday, May 27, 2007

Flood of books and articles on the new cooperation

Here are a few.

Benkler, Yochai (2006) The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom (pdf), Yale University Press.

Atkinson, Simon Reay and James Moffat (2005) The Agile Organization.

Brafman, Ori and Rod Bechstrom (2006) The Starfish and the Spider, Portfolio Hardcover.

Brynjolfsson, Erik and Andrew McAfee (2007) "Beyond Enterprise 2.0" (Interview) Sloan Management Review.

Cooperation Commons, bibliography.

Hagel, John III and John Seely Brown (2005) The Only Sustainable Edge: Why Business Strategy Depends on Productive Friction and Dynamic Specialization.

Johns Hopkins (2005 - 2006) "Rethinking the Future Nature of Competition & Conflict".

Leadbeater, Charlie (2007) We Think: The Power of Mass Creativity.

MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.

Ostrom, Elinor (2005) Understanding Institutional Diversity, Princeton University Press.

Page, Scott (2007) The Difference: How The Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Teams, Schools, and Societies, Princeton University Press.

John Robb (2007) Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization, Wiley.

Sunstein, Cass (2006) Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, Oxford University Press.

Tapscott, Don and Anthony D. Williams (2006) Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Penguin Portfolio.

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